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The High Court The High Court is a hotch-potch. It is a composite description embracing three separate kinds of courts - called divisions - each with separate functions (though they occasionally overlap). The 81 High Court judges are distributed between the three divisions, which have their home in London's Royal Courts of Justice, an eccentric Victorian Gothic building on the Strand, with outposts in some 25 large provincial towns and cities. The biggest of the divisions, with the widest jurisdiction, is the Queen's Bench (King's Bench). Its most important function is as the main civil court for disputes involving more than 5,000 pounds. Claims for money owing, and actions for damages arising from motor and work accidents are the High Court's main folder. It also deals with suits, for libel. The division also includes a Commercial Court, which specializes in large commercial disputes, and an Admiralty Court for shipping cases. The court can also quash decisions of Magistrates' Courts where they exceed their powers or there are irregularities in the proceedings. It also takes appeals from lower courts, but only on issues raising points of law. The court does not hear witnesses or deal with cases which raise only factual points. The Family Division deals with divorce; disputes between warring spouses involving children, property or money; adoption, wardship, and other questions affecting children. The Chancery Division deals with tax, interpretation of wills, companies, settlements, trusts, and various other issues affecting finance and property.
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