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ART GALLEREYS OF LONDON Speaking about art gallereys of London we should first of all mention The national gallery, The national portret galerey and The tate gallery. I would like to tell you about National portret gallery and about Tate gallery. The national gallery houses one of the richest and most extensive collections of painting in the world. It stands to the north of the Trafalgar Square. the gallerey was desighned by William Wilkins and build in 1834-37. The collection covers all schools and periods of painting, but is a specially famous for it's examples of Rembrant and Rubents. The british schools is only moderately represented as the national collections are shared with the Tate gallerey. The National gallerey was founded in 1824 when the government bought the collection of John Angerstein which included 38 paintings. The Tate gallery houses the national collection of british painting from the 16-th century to the present day. It is also the national gallerey for modern art, including painting and sculpture made in Britain, Europe, America and other countries. It was opened in 1897 as the national gallerey of british art. It owes it's establishment to Suie Henritate who built the gallerey and gave his own collection of 65 painting.
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